Stop-Loss is an automated solution for search and detection of frauds.


With the growth of a company (holding) it becomes impossible to control all goods and materials flows for frauds — it's beyond human possibilities and integral audit can't observe all situations.


Stop-Loss system performs control over suspicious activity across all organization's flows and provides fast quality versatile analysis for specialists of integral audit and managers.


This way Stop-Loss opens another resource for growth of financial indicators and prosperity.

  • The system contains database on different corrupt practices and methods of their settlement

  • Receives and keeps data from different systems, keeping history of documentation's changes

  • Analyzes data for traces of corrupt practices and mistakes

  • Finds every separate fraud incident

  • Prepares reports for corresponding managers that contain analysis results and recommendations for settlement

  • Requires reports for execution of settlements

  • In case of non-fulfilment sends reports to the upper line of management

  • After receiving settlement reports conducts analysis again

  • If violations still persist — sends reports to the upper line of management (up to founders)